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How Double Glazing Can Help Soundproof Your Home (Infographic)

thermawood February 28, 2017 Infographics

When soundproofing a house, sometimes various measures are taken into effect, such as buying soundproofing curtains or padded carpeting, installing acoustic tiles and drop-ceiling systems, or even piling up thick furniture against the windows to let them absorb the sound waves instead. And these all require some effort and a lot of planning, especially with interior decorating-conscious people.


The easiest way, however, to soundproof a home is by turning your attention to one of the main sources: your windows. No matter how much you try to soundproof your home, if you do not pay attention to the windows – where a lot of noise can come through, then you are only doing half of the work needed.


Here are some ways windows can soundproof your home windows:


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